
What does the lion logo on board games boxes mean? Usually found on the back.?

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On the back of many board games boxes there are a few symbols in one corner (ie the 'recyclable' one), one of which is often a yellow triangle with a cartoon lion face in the centre. I have tried a google image search, but no luck, so sorry that I can't link to a picture.

If anyone has any idea what this symbol means (I need to know for some graphics homework) please reply. Thank you very much.




  1. it depends people think its got small pieces and is hazardes to children but others think its a make of some pieces i must say its a challenging question

  2. The symbol on the back means it has small parts and is a hazard to animals the might want to eat the bits if left out. This can lead to to the piece getting stuck in their throat. The lion is used because it is easily recognized universally as an animal.

    P.S. - I agree with Mr. Ici. This is a fantastic question!

  3. omg, what a great question. I dug out the first board game i could find (pictionary) and saw the lion.

    I've spent the last 20 minutes looking online for anything to do with it and I can't find anything. aargh!!!!

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