
What does the moon with the star mean?

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ex. faraz khuwaja's avatar. islamically, what does it mean, or does it have a meaning




  1. It means go home

  2. Flag of Pakistannn ! ?

    <33333 the cute babeh in your pixx... =)

  3. I think christians have associated these symbols with Islam as we use a lunar based calendar.

  4. I searched it on wikipedia and here is the article, i always wondered that myself, and it's part of the Turkish Flag

  5. Is it a symbol of Islam !!!

    The crescent moon and star is an internationally-recognized symbol of the faith of Islam. The symbol is featured on the flags of several Muslim countries, and is even part of the official emblem for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The Christians have the cross, the Jews have the star of David, and the Muslims have the crescent moon !!!

  6. "Legend holds that the founder of the Ottoman Empire, Osman, had a dream in which the crescent moon stretched from one end of the earth to the other. Taking this as a good omen, he chose to keep the crescent and make it the symbol of his dynasty."

    From Wikipedia:

    "There is a well known story about a sleepless night Osman spent before taking the throne. One day, when he was 19-years old, Ertugrul went to visit a distant friend with his family, where he would remain overnight. The host of the house shows Osman his room and everyone retires for the night. Just after he prepares to go to sleep Osman notices the Quran hanging on the wall. His respect for the holy book of Islam keeps him from laying down, and as he is a visitor, he cannot take the Quran out of the room. He decides not to sleep until morning and sits beside the sofa. He cannot bear to stay awake and falls asleep for a short time just before dawn.

    As he sleeps, he dreams he sees a crescent coming out of the chest of his mentor, Sheik Edebali, and going into his body. Afterwards an enormous plane tree emerges from his chest and covers all the sky, shading the earth, the people enjoying and benefiting from his shade. He then wakes. When he and his family get back to their village he recounts this dream to his mentor, Sheik Edebali, who smiles after hearing the dream and tells Osman that Allah would grant him and his descendants an enormous empire and he will see the hand of Sheikh Edebali's daughter in marriage. Because of his loyalty to Islam, his sharpness, his courage and generosity, he was nominated to be the ruler of the Kayi Clan."

  7. yeh i wana no that to .. :\

  8. its just a symbol,and nothing islamic about it..

    Faraz's avatar is flag of pakistan which has moon and star,

  9. it symbolizes Islam

  10. The moon and the star are a symbol of Islam.

    Just like David star for Jews

    and cross for Christians.

    They put this symbol usually on flags so they can be identified as "Islamic"

  11. welll it symbolises Islam

    every (well i think so) religion, or almost evry religion has a sign

    for example for christianity its a cross

    hindus have one too

  12. Its a symbol of Islam. It's also the flag of Pakistan.

    Usually when you go to mosques they have the moon thing at the very top, just like how churches have the cross.

  13. the moon and the stars are sings of Allah

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