
What does the name "Biden" mean?

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  1. Well, it all depends on where the name comes from, really.  If it's German, it probably simply means "two" or "both."  In other words, it probably indicated a twin, originally.  In that case, it was probably originally spelled Beiden.  But when the immigrants came to this country, people didn't pronounce it properly, so they took out that first "e" and it became Biden.  Then again, if it comes from some other language, it means something else entirely.

  2. The generic name refers the same fact; it means "two-tooth", from Latin bis "two" + dens "tooth".

    Bidens is a genus in the family Asteraceae. It contains about 200 species. The common names beggarticks, bur-marigolds, stickseeds, tickseeds and tickseed sunflowers refer to the achene burrs on the seeds of this genus, most of which are barbed.

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