
What does the name "Rachel" remind you of?

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What does the name "Rachel" make you think of?

What comes to mind when you hear the name "Rachel" - like what type of person, that sort of thing.

Just curious! :)




  1. Hehe, I think of Friends.

    I really liked Rachel on that show, so I don't think anything negative.  

    I think of a girly girl.

  2. Friends

  3. I'm biased because i know a rachel that is like this:

    very very flirty. nice to only her friends. follows the queen bee.

    her best friend has to be the most popular.

  4. I think of Friends. My favorite character!  

  5. It makes me think of a beautiful, athletic, outgoing young woman who knows what she wants!

  6. I think of Rachel Ray.

    I think it is a beautiful name & makes me think of someone bubbly, energetic and fun!

  7. I used to like the name Rachel, until I came across 2 bad associations.

    Rachel #1 was an old college roommate. A sarcastic, bitter dork that was never happy. Clean freak. Control freak.

    Rachel #2 was a girl that my ex BF worked with. Stereoptyical goth wanna-be. A w---- and user who is just like other dumb girls.

  8. Friends.

  9. an emo kid

  10. first it makes me think of the show friends

    then it makes me think of the rachel in the Bible who was really pretty and Jacob worked 14 years for her dad to have her as his wife.  

  11. Based on the Rachels I've come across, I think of an athletic girl with a positive attitude. Maybe a soccer or volleyball player.

  12. It reminds me of my sister; I don't like it, because her personality sucks.  

  13. a hoe. lol. sorry i dont want to be rude.

    i guess its just that girl from high school.

  14. My sister.....

    a mix of tomboy with sensitive soul...

  15. I think of Jennifer Aniston off of Friends.. LOL!

    but I do like the name.

  16. My sister! She does her own Rachel thing and lives in her Rachel world (a bit like the Friends character). She is wonderfully ditzy, daft as anything but really intelligent. She is one of my best friinds. And if I ever have a girl (after having 3 boys lol) she will be called Rachel!

  17. the girl from "Friends"

  18. For some odd reason I think of Rachel Ray :)

  19. I think of Rachel from Friends too...  It feels 80's.  I don't really like the name.  

  20. A gurl in my school

  21. It makes me think of a very feminine, passive girl. I guess, what you'd call a "lamb". But then, that's what Rachel means!

  22. well since I'm addicted to the show Friends I think of that. But as far as just the name goes, I think it's a classic girly name. I like it.

  23. I have one friend named Rachel.. She is amazingly beautiful. I have always wanted to sleep with her! Lol. She's half Japanese and has two beautiful children.. That is it! I'm calling her now!

  24. Rachel Carson.

    She was a nice essayist.

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