
What does the negative impacts of zebra mussles on enviropment, buissnes, ecology?

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What does the negative impacts of zebra mussles on enviropment, buissnes, ecology?




  1. Zebra mussels have negative impacts on their ecosystems:

    1.  They are very efficient filter feeders, so they take too much plankton out of the water.  That leaves very little food for other organisms that would eat the plankton.

    2.  Zebra mussels grow on top of each other and on top of other mussels as well as on all kinds of solid surfaces.  Some native mussels may be so encrusted with zebra mussels that they can't open enough to siphon water through.

    Zebra mussels affect business because:

    1.  Zebra mussels grow on the insides of water intake pipes, making the pipe diameter narrower and narrower.  Sometimes they clog up the pipe entirely.  This is a problem for municipal water supplies, power plants, other industries that use surface water systems for cooling.

    2.  Zebra mussels attach themselves to boats, barges, docks, and other structures.  The mussels cause more friction when the boats go through the water, so the boats use more fuel.  That's expensive for business.

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