
What does the num lock key do?

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What does the num lock key do?




  1. NumLock toggles between numbers and the stuff listed below the numbers - just like the caps lock key toggles between upper and lower case letters.   As an example   Go into word - type 4 several times -press the num lock key then press 4 some more times  

  2. Sets the numeric keypad so it produces numbers rather than cursor movement.  This is generally a leftover from the early days of PCs, before the addition of the two keypads between the typewriter keypad and the numeric keypad.

    It still plays one important (?) role, however:  It's necessary to produce those ALT-characters (♥, ♦, ♣, etc.)   They just won't work without it.

    Hope that helps.

  3. enables and disables the num pad(numbers and keys on right part of key board)

    only desktop keyboard has this facility..

  4. Locks the number pad as "active."

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