
What does the number 14 stand for?

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My one friend told me about how 88 means "hail hitler" since the eigth leter of the alphabet is "h" and 2 h's so 88. then he told me how the number 14 means something connected to him or n**i's or w/e. please help me.




  1. There is some silly phrase uttered by Aryan's that has fourteen words in it.  It is some silly mantra about how the white race is better than all others and the rest are inferior.

  2. In the context that you describe, the 14 words consist of the first 14 of 28 words used as slogans by David Lane, neo-n**i, white supremacist, thug and killer, and his followers.

    David Lane coined both 14 word white supremacist slogans while in prison serving a life sentence for his role in a murder by the The Order, a 1980s white supremacist terrorist group that conducted armed robberies, bombings, and assassinations. Lane died in prison in 2007.

    The best known of these disgusting slogans is:  "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."  ~ Lane, David. (1999). "Deceived, Damned & Defiant: The Revolutionary Writings of David Lane." St. Maries, ID: 14 Words Press, pp. xix, 6, 27, 83-99, 102-105, 126.

    The other slogan is the remainder of his 28 word comment: "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth."

  3. I am a student of WW II history and the n**i period. I have never heard anything about this. It does not mean it did not exist but just that it is news to me. Sounds a bit far fetched.

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