
What does the number 34 stands for?

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I saw it everywhere, on my locker number on the back of a car, on the clock....




  1. watch the jim carrey movie 23


  3. Sylvia Brown says that when you see strange coincidences like that it just means that your life is on the right track; that you're doing whatever it is you were meant to be doing.

  4. 17 X 2

    Numbers in and of themselves don't mean anything. You are noticing 34 more often that other numbers due to selection bias.

  5. Well, if it was 33 I'd know what that meant, but 34 kind of has me stumped. Only thing I can think of is to add them together, like in Numerology, which would be 7. Which according to my link would be:

    Philosopher, sage, wisdom seeker, reserved, inventor, stoic, contemplative, aloof, deep-thinker, introspective, spiritual, faith, esoteric, exotic, unusual, hidden, seeking perfection, ethereal, other worldly, enigma.

  6. Maybe you are going to die at the age of 34 by getting stabbed 34 times by a knife, the blade having 34 serrated edges. Shall I continue?

    Maybe I will read 34 more people's questions asking this very same ridiculous question?

  7. Humans naturally seek patterns. Seeing the same number everywhere you go is and example of apophenia ( ) and confirmation bias ( ).

    So, it doesn't really mean anything other than you have a normally functioning human brain.

  8. The one who answered your question and talked about apophenia is correct... but sometimes I believe that this random sequence truly has meaning.  About 10 years ago, I remember always seeing two dots, like on dice, everywhere I went.  In looking back, I believe that God was trying to tell me to be cautious about a move I made in the year 2000.  (It was a mistake but it's too late now to fix it.)  

    So if you see it everywhere, ask God (or whatever you call him) to reveal whether or not it has a meaning for you, or whether it is just coincidence/apophenia.  

    Some ideas:  Do you know anyone who was born in 1934?  Anyone who is 34 years old?  I can't think of any intrinsic meaning for this number at all - if it has meaning, it must be something designed just for you.

  9. search numerology or number meaning.

    i having really done that but I do get those signs sometimes.

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