
What does the other half of Diglett (the pokemon) look like??

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What does the other half of Diglett (the pokemon) look like??




  1. Well, to be frank, no one has ever SEEN a Diglett with "feet" before, but it has been confirmed that Digletts do indeed have a lower body or "feet" if you will, such is the fact since Diglett can use attacks like "Scratch".

  2. If they do hav feet then they dont need to use them cos they seem to dig around rather than walk. They might use them to dig but that would be about there only use. I hope that helps :)

  3. Hmm, an interesting question!

    It really is a big mystery on what Diglett looks like under the ground.

    The only thing known is that they do indeed have feet, as mentioned in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.

  4. A big mystery is what Diglett looks like under the ground, with many fan interpretations appearing over the years. The only thing known is that they have feet, as mentioned in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, although not even the Magnemite knew until Diglett mentioned its feet.

    I always imagined it as some wiener shaped thingy.

    Lol, look at this:

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