
What does the peace sign really, really mean?

by Guest61612  |  earlier

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What does the peace sign symbol really mean? You hear so much of the guy that drew it in the late 50's to symbolize against nuecular warfare and then you hear that it could go back 2000 years and be anything but peacey and have quite the opposite effect. Did this man in the lale 50's take it from the earlier meaning or did he really have no clue where it came from.




  1. 3 groups go into one. Or one breaks up into 3. Either way...if the hippies made it, its just an easier way to get weed.

  2. Hi,check out this link


  3. The original sketches are preserved at the school of

    peace studies, at the bradford university.

    they show a symbol that stood for ‘the death of man

    and the unborn child’ and that symbol was designed

    from the naval code of semaphore - the code letters

    for N and D (nuclear disarmament).

    N is two flags, arms downstretched at a forty-five degree

    angle, and D is two flags, one arm straight up and one

    straight down. the ends of the ‘arms’ and ‘legs’ thicken

    and splay out noticeably as they approach the circumference.

    the circle itself was thick - the thickening itself has two versions:

    in one, all the straight strokes are thickened;

    in the other, only those in the lower half of the circle.

    it is said, that the reason for the symbol being upside

    down (D over N) is that semaphore is a military code and

    upside down symbolizes ‘anti-military’.


  4. Are you talking about the hippie symbol?  

    I was told that it stood for the broken cross and so we were warned to not use that to mean peace.

    It will be interesting to see what other people feel about this.

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