
What does the phrase i'm late mean?

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i dont get it




  1. it means ... i'm behind the previously arranged appointed time !

  2. A)that you get into a place at a time after it supposed to be.

    B)or that you are retardy at understanding the main idea.

    A)like if your school close its doors everyday at 7:55 am, and you get 5 minutes later (8:00 am), then you would say i'm late.

    b)  like you with your question, it is said that you're late, because you don't get what it means, hu, hu, hu. don't take it personal!!!

    not a phrase that too many people would like to hear, or even think on it!!!

    but late has many meanings, be more specific!

  3. It can mean in women that their period is late (like they may be pregnant), or that you are not punctual for something.

  4. Depending on context the two most prevailing uses are:

    1) It refers to a person's menstrual cycle, indicating a possible pregnancy.

    2) "Stupid traffic."

  5. either not on time

    or when someone says a joke and you dont get it for a while and then like 5 min later you get it

  6. could mean i didn't get my period.

    also is what the white rabbit in alice in wonderland sings about

  7. i am not here on time... i am here after the time i should have been here

  8. Usually, "I'm late" means "I'm pregnant"  (my period is late)

  9. well 2 ways

    1) that u r not as early as u wanted to

    2) that the time when u r to see ur period has passed and u have not menstruated

  10. slow in the head....

  11. "I'm late" means, your one of the last people to get a joke, and that your kind of slow.

  12. NOT ON TIME !!!!WT........

  13. It means you did not get there on time.  For example, if you were supposed to be someplace at 3PM and did not get there until 3:15PM, you would say "I'm late."

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