
What does the phrase "against all odds" mean?

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What does the phrase "against all odds" mean?




  1. Someone succeeding in the face of extreme adversity.

  2. defeating the odds...

    Like, many people would have said the nomination of a black man to the highest position of office in the United States was "against all odds", and yet it happened this year.

    If you win the lottery, it's "against all odds"

    something that happens that you wouldn't have imagined would ever happen given the chances.

  3. I'm not quite sure.  

  4. A victory "against all odds" means success despite strong adversity. In Australia the expression is "pushing S**t uphill with a pointed stick".

  5. It mean that something happens despite being very very unlikely.

    The odds (chances) would be greatly against something happening - like someone surviving in a harsh wilderness.  A person would have to overcome starvation, thirst, weather, wild animals.  You could say that he survived "against all odds".

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