
What does the phrase "beggars can be choosers" mean??

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  1. it's actually beggars can't be choosers. for example if your starving and someone gives you a burger you dont complain about it and try to get something better like a steak. if your begging and someone gives you something dont be choosey about it

  2. Actually the phrase is..."beggers CAN'T be choosers", which means that poor people pretty much have to take what is given to them and don't have a real choice.

  3. what it means is basically, if you really want something really bad you cant be picky about what you get. for example... if someone is starving to death and they ask for food and they get spaghetti they cant be choosy and say "yuck i dont want spaghetti!" because they wanted food and they got it! hopefully that makes sense!

  4. It is "beggars can't be choosers."  meaning that if somebody is giving you something you can't choose what they are giving you.

  5. the quote is actually beggars CAN'T be choosers and it means if you are desperate than you should take whatever you can get and be thankful and not be picky.

  6. It means that beggers can stop being beggers, and become choosers and start being successful in life.

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