
What does the phrase "looked at me like i had three ears" mean???

by  |  earlier

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can someone help me out with this phrase please...




  1. To look at you as though you are not normal, because you have said or done something the other person thought was stupid or crazy.

  2. what you mean you dont have 3, i do..... I am related to spock as I have a left ear, a right ear and a final front ear

  3. like you said something really stupid.

  4. Like your crazy

  5. well, most people only have two if you had three ears people might look at you a lil crazy!

  6. They looked at you strangley/startled.

  7. Not very hard to work out...

    A person with three ears is abnormal

    so they'd look at you like you're acting odd or abnormal.

  8. looks as if ur crazy or a freak!!! lol  

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