
What does the phrase "your boyfriend is in the closet" mean?

by  |  earlier

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i dont think it means it literaly




  1. i think that 'your boyfriend is in the closet' mean that your boyfriend is homosexual but hasnt told you.... <3

  2. He is qu***and ashamed of it.

  3. if i say "your boyfriend is in the closet" then im saying your boyfriend is secretly g*y. and if u do love your boyfriend and if anywun did said that to you then u should snuff them. but then again. i dont know what your relationship is like.

  4. means that hes g*y, and hasn't told anyone.

  5. "in the closet" tends to mean that someone is g*y, but not openly, not telling anyone.

  6. It means that he is g*y.

  7. it means he's g*y and doesn't know it or g*y knows it and doesn't want to tell anyone  

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