
What does the phrase wash one's hand of the matter mean to you?

by  |  earlier

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it is a bible quote matt: 27 :24




  1. The context of that scripture shows that Pilate did not want to impale Jesus, so he put it to the crowd to decide what to do (vs 15 says that is was the custom of the governor to release a prisoner to the crowd, the crowd chose which one to release), whether they wanted Jesus released or Barabbas who was a notorious prisoner.  When the crowds chose to have Jesus impaled, Pilate washed his hands of the blood of Jesus.  In other words, he didn't want to be blood guilty...he was making it clear that Jesus blood was on the hands of the crowds; they were the murderers.  

    Similarly today, if you "wash your hands" of a matter, you have basically stated your peace and don't want to be involved in what you foresee as being a bad outcome. E.g. if you tell a friend not to date a certain person and they do anyway, by telling them you wash your hands of the matter means that when the person ends up being a psycho, you warned them so they can't complain to you...although if they are like my friends, they probably will anyway.

  2. get rid of it and move on.. :P

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