
What does the pro wrestling terms "botch" and "spot" means?

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What does the pro wrestling terms "botch" and "spot" means?




  1. Botch- Accident famous botches Sid break legs. Owen hart bothces hart dricer breaks austin's neck

    Famous botcher- Batista

    Spot- a specifically planned part of a match that is usually excting

    Famous Spot monkey-Jeff Hardy

  2. Botch, a scripted move that failed.

    Spot, a preplanned move, which is designed to get a particular audience reaction or determine the pace of the match. Spots can be anything from an Irish Whip at a certain time, to a series of spots, for example a succession of reversals. Wrestlers who choreograph their matches before the show will usually decide on an opening spot and an ending, as well as several spots to use throughout the match. The remainder of the match will be divided between transition moves and general offensive and defensive moves.

  3. Botch, a scripted move that failed.

    Spot, a preplanned move,[1] which is designed to get a particular audience reaction or determine the pace of the match. Spots can be anything from an Irish Whip at a certain time, to a series of spots, for example a succession of reversals. Wrestlers who choreograph their matches before the show will usually decide on an opening spot and an ending, as well as several spots to use throughout the match. The remainder of the match will be divided between transition moves and general offensive and defensive moves. (See "high spot" and "blown spot")

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