
What does the "Authorized" mean in reference to the "Authorized Version" of the Bible"?

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By whose authority?




  1. which ever religious group approves of that "version"

    I use NIV

  2. Authorized to be translated and published by King James of England in 1611.

  3. Cartman's authority.

  4. It was authorized by James I of England based on his authority by the Divine Right of Kings.  Interestingly, it is a logical corollary that if the English kings are there by divine right, then America in violating its compact with the Crown is in direct opposition to the will of God and should rejoin the United Kingdom.   Just a funny aside.

    As to who picked the books themselves, the books were discussed at local synods in Laodicea, Hippo Regius, Carthage and Rome.  It was Pope Damasus in 382 who issued the actual final list and on his authority alone as successor to Peter.  An interesting aside here is that if you accept the books, you are accepting that the Pope chose correctly.  If you reject Papal authority then you have to choose yourself because there would be no reason to believe the Pope would have gotten them any more correct than say St. Anthenasius who had a much longer New Testament or other of the early Fathers who had slightly different lists.  I am attaching an English translation of the actual declaration creating the bible.  Before this document was promulgated, no one in the world could say, "because it is in the bible."  Although the books existed, no one could agree which ones should be read in Church.  Indeed 1 Clement was in there for a long time and John's Gospel, James, Jude, 2 John and Revelations almost didn't make it in.

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