
What does the "DSS" acronym means in rental ads?

by Guest61920  |  earlier

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what does the "DSS" acronym means in rental ads?




  1. Department of Social Security.  It basically means "jobless scumbags".

  2. Department of Social Security - ie a person on state benefits

  3. Department of Social Services (not security). Check the link below on how they relate to your situation and the rental ad, and how they work in different areas. It would also help to know the context of where you saw the DSS acronym.

  4. DSS= Department of Social Security

    DSS is now referred to as Housing Benefit, which is given out to people who are on low incomes to pay their rent.

  5. it means housing benifits accepted! dss is available to single parents or couples who are not working & recieve benifits so cant afford the rent but if u start working u must pay rent by urself

  6. Any form of state benefits.

    Including child support, housing support, disability living allowance.

    But because it's a housing ad it will be referring to Housing Benefits

  7. It means they take tenants on benefits

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