
What does the "E" in E=mc2 stand for?

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What does the "E" in E=mc2 stand for?




  1. energy=e  m=mass c= speed of light 2=squared

  2. what they all said


  3. The "E" in E=mc2 means Energy.

  4. energy= mass times the speed of light squared.

    it shows how energy can be changed to mass and vice versa...

  5. Energy=mass x constant (speed of light) squared

  6. E=mc2 stand for total energy combined in a particle (mass) is equal to the product of mass and  square of speed of light ( c= velocity of light)  

  7. E= energy

    m = mass

    c = velocity of light

  8. Energy

  9. further to previous answers, lol, Energy.

    m is mass

    c is speed of light

  10. E= energy, M= mass

    C2 = the square of the constant (which is the speed of light)

  11. energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.

  12. It is the energy change (actually energy produced ) when m amount of substance is lost during a nuclear rxn  

  13. Energy, measured in joules. The E=mc2 equation is about the total amount of potential energy, though - if the entirety of your mass was converted in to pure energy. In that sense, it's not entirely practical. What it does do is show that there's a relationship between mass and energy - you can talk about the conservation of energy or the conservation of mass, but this equation shows that there's a relationship between the two - so technically, it's the conservation of mass-energy equivalence.

  14. As everyone has said, 'e' stands for energy, 'm' for mass and 'c' for the constant [the speed of light]. The energy refers to the entire potential energy of the subject, were its entire mass to be converted into energy, which, according to relativity, are one and the same. Thus far, man has not been able to convert all the mass of anything into al the energy it is 'worth'. Even nuclear reactions such as fission and fusion only release a small fraction of the true potential energy of the reactants.

  15. Energy = Mass x [The speed of light]2

  16. Energy=Mass x The speed of light^2

    This means that anything with mass has energy. This is also why anthing with mass cannot travel faster than the speed of light. Becuase as we keep getting closer to the speed of light, you will see the energy starts to go up, and so does the mass. At 10% the speed, the objects mass will increase by .5 percent, and at 90% it would be 200% more than normal. This object or any object will never reach the speed of light because it will reach a point in where it is going so fast that it's mass will be infinite and it's energy. Which produces another problem, the bigger the objects mass the more energy you need, and the closer to the speed of light you go, the more and more energy you need. This theory states that nothing can travel at or faster than the speed of light, because of the energy to mass equivilance. It also put an end to Newton's theory of absolute time and created the notion that space and time should be regarded as one thing, called space-time!

  17. energy. in joules

  18. Erection?

  19. ENERGY!

  20. Energy.

    Energy=Mass*(Speed of Light)2

  21. energy.

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