
What does the "Flash" from the cameras do that cause Museums and others, not to allow them?

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I have seen it as gags on cartoons and Mr.Bean, but I didn't think it was serious. Can someone please tell me?

What type of exhibits/artifacts are sensitive to this.

Inspired by this question: [;_ylt=AmLkh1NNqCTnwcfGwXUr97dZ7RR.;_ylv=3? ]qid=20080622113341AAS2o4H




  1. The light itself damages some paints, especially old paintings on walls (like priceless murals, etc.).  Also many museums sell replications of the works in them, and if you take pictures, it cuts into this business.

  2. I think it has to do with documents, that may fade, if exposed to flash. I am only guessing, but that seems like the logical reason. Peace!

  3. They warp the colors.

  4. just that the type of light is too bright, and can alter the colours or the look of it, distorting the image

  5. Paintings and tapestries are especially sensitive to the flash, it causes premature aging of the materials [sometimes a flash is equal to one year of aging in the natural museum environment

  6. I can't find your link, but the answer is that pigment in paintings, color in fabrics, etc, are sensitive to sunlight.  Note that lighting in most museums is carefully controlled.  Repeated camera  strobes and flashes -- which have essentially the spectrum of bright sunlight -- over time can cause colors to deteriorate. So, a hard-and-fast simple rule that guards and visitors can understand, follow and enforce: no flashes.

  7. Interesting! I thought it was because they didn't want people recording the museum security layout and anti-theft safeguards protecting the arts and treasures.

  8. Braden U has most of the answer for Museums with the remainder being that they are protective of their art work and dont want it professionally copied or reproduced which flash quality photography indoor would allow as would video caming the entire piece. As for live sporting events like tennis matches the flashes can distract the eye of the competing athlete enough to cause him or her to loose focus and the serve or the point.

  9. The flash has a very high powered UV light.

    Over time UV rays break down the paint in paintings.

    With a lot of people constantly flashing away the Mona Lisa wouldnt be able to last a couple of years.

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