
What does the quote, "You don't sh*t where you eat" mean?

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  1. The quote is actually, "Don't s**t where you sleep."  It's a very old saying that is not only about relationships with co-workers, but it definitely applies there.

    It means don't do anything bad where you have to live - or work.

    For example, don't steal from your boss, don't burn down your own neighborhood when you're mad at the cops, don't do something you'll regret around people who know you.

  2. Don't do anything that might risk relationships in the same arena you will be required to maintain relationships.

    Lots of examples.  Don't date your teacher.  Don't go out with your best friend's ex.  Don't get drunk at parties with co-workers. Don't hire family members. Don't buy a car from a friend.  I'm sure you can think of a thousand! Etc etc. :-)

  3. Don't make trouble in a place you frequent.  Example:  Don't sleep with your boss.

  4. This phrase means "do not have romantic relationships with any co-workers." Basically, you don't want to make yourself uncomfortable (by potentially having a romantic relationship  or "shitting") at the place where you work ("where you eat").

  5. It's a really bizarre way of saying not to date someone you work with. In other words, if you sleep with your coworker and the relationship crashes and burns, that will foul up your workplace for you and make it S****y to work there. Your relationships should be kept separate from the place you work. Combining those two would be just as bad as eating from the same place where you ****.

  6. I believe it has come to mean that you do not corrupt the site from which you draw your income. It is broader than merely  sleeping with boss , underlings or co-workers. It means in general to keep the workplace free of any problematic behavior. i.e. drinking, drugging on the job, harassing others, stealing supplies,using the phone for personal business, etc. In short, don't pursue any behavior at your workplace which could possibly get you fired.

    The urban dictionary defines it  as:

    don't sh*t where you eat

    This phrase means "do not have romantic relationships with any co-workers." Basically, you don't want to make yourself uncomfortable (by potentially having a romantic relationship get ugly, or "sh*tting") at the place where you work ("where you eat").

  7. Don't contaminate a working relationship. Remember who is signing your paycheck. It is drawn from animal behavior.

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