
What does the record cold spell we're having say about Global Warming?

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What does the record cold spell we're having say about Global Warming?




  1. It says so called "global warming" wasn't real, and that the Earth goes through natural warming and cooling cycles.

    Too many greedy scientist jumped on this bandwagon for their own profits.

  2. I'm no scientist all i can tell you is that its cold as h**l in Michigan snowing my water pipes froze and broke and feels like it did in the 1970s . If this is global warming i hate to see global cooling. Other then that i have no idea what the big hype is anymore. Guess we have to hold off and see what summer brings.

  3. Didn't you get the memo?  "Global Warming" has been changed to "Climate Change" so that the hoax can survive.

    lol, If we went into an Ice Age next winter they would still blame it on humans.

      ^ ^

  4. nothing

  5. That americans should stop being so consumer oriented and try to reverse the damage!

  6. record cold spell in what?  10 years?  Give me a break.  You're gonna have to do MUCH better than show me a cold spell to disprove global warming.  La Nina is strong this year, the La Nina event being strong has nothing to do with the average global temperature increasing.  I think some of you people that talk this trash about global warming being c**p, and oh it was cold this month so that disproves everything, need to go back to school and take some basic Geology, Chem, and maybe even a environmental science course.  You'll then see that's it's simple science, that an increase average global temperature over a significant amount of time doesn't mean it's going to get warmer and warmer and never get colder.  The mechanics of global climate change as a whole are much more complicated than just the suns effect, or just greenhouse gases, or just tectonic events.

    Oh for the guy above me, yes La Nina events have cause much more drastic changes than this.  La Nina, and El Nino, are HUGE events in the understanding of climate change.  Just look the stuff up.

  7. Nothing.  That cold spell is called Winter.  I predict that it'll come again next year.

  8. I've seen a lot of people on here talking about La Nina cycles. My question to those people would be, can previous La Nina cycles be documented to have had such a dramatic effect. I don't believe the climate models accounted for this effect, otherwise they would not of shown the temperature continuously rising.  Certainly something so elementary and well understood by bloggers, not to mention computer climate  model experts would have been accounted for. Truth is as I understand it, many things in these climate models have not been accounted for maybe because their guessing at values for many important variables.

  9. It doesn't say anything about global warming.  It says we reached the peak of the current La Nina cycle, which was a strong one, and caused us to have a month or two of relatively cool temperatures.

    If you make too much of a big deal about a month or two of cool weather, you're setting yourself up for a fall when the La Nina cycle is over and temperatures return to normal.;...

  10. It says that Global Warming is a myth propagated by the liberal media to push there cry baby tree hugging views on the rest of the world.

  11. Everything causes Global Warming. The record snow fall this year is being blamed on Global Warming. There was a news report a few weeks ago about China having their worst snow fall in history and yes it was blamed on the emissions from their factories. The environmentalists have an excuse for everything to benefit their agenda. Does anybody remember the snail darter and the fiasco that followed that..............................To  Triphip2........La Nino and El Nina were happening back in the 80s and nobody got excited about them. It appears to me that you weren't around back in the day. We have been having La Ninos and El Nina for decades and nothing has happened. Get a grip on reality.

  12. Wait until summer time Global warming means that the seasons are gong to be extreme so in winter extreme cold and summer extreme heat.

  13. "Global Warming" might be more accurately and correctly called "Climate Change". Climate change has to do with the long term changes that happen over decades, whereas this report everyone is talking about has to do with purely short term changes that happened over a single year. When one talks about long term trends, what happens in a single short period of time becomes nearly irrelevant. If this single year cooling trend (attributed to reduced solar activity?) continues for 10 or 15 years then and only then can it be said it has changed the climate in a significant way.

  14. The Global Warming people will say its due to Global Warming. HAHAH!

  15. That La Niña is a powerful mediator to the greenhouse gas warming forcings.  As cold deep ocean waters are brought up toward the surface, that creates a significant effect.  This is a nice reprieve from a steady warming trend, but it doesn't eliminate the heat forcing from the rising atmospheric green house gas levels.

    The ocean is an enormous heat sink.  But it's not infinite.  And as it warms and absorbs more CO2, there are negative consequences to that environment as well.

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