
What does the role 'ego' play in human interactions?

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All of the main haracters in the current literature I have read are impacted upon by the out of control egos of the people around them. Many characters are driven by the need to be right which means everyone else gets to be wrong! Sometimes the main characters themselves were adversely affected by their own ego.




  1. We know that animals have no free choice. Humankind’s advantage over animals is that people consciously prefer to endure pain if they believe that pleasure awaits at its end. Thus, a sick person agrees to a painful operation, trusting that this will improve his or her health.

    However, this choice is merely a pragmatic calculation in which one compares future pleasure to present pain. In other words, this calculation is a simple mathematical operation in which the amount of suffering is subtracted from the future pleasure, and the difference dictates the choice. If the achieved pleasure is less than the anticipated pleasure, a person suffers, instead of feeling joy.  So you see, even Freud's 'altruistic' super-ego is only driven by the need to please society  (or even a single person)  to feel better about ones self. The ego = our will to receive pleasure. So to answer your question-  every action we do, including human interactions are only driven by the calculation above. If one gains pleasure by controlling others, that is precisely what he shall do. If the other gains pleasure by being submissive even on a subconscious level, submissive he shall be.

    I hope that answered your question :) To learn more watch this short and very interesting clip called  'The Ego's Grip on Our Choice'

  2. Looking at the psychological view of the ego based on Freud, the ego is the central part that balences the super-ego, the part of yourself that is alturistic, and the id, the childish part that is selfish. The balance between the super-ego and id is the job of the ego. If the ego is not balancing the parts the way it should then you either have a person who is either selfish, or alturistic.

  3. People with inflated egos need to be avoided. They lead to narcissism and selfishness. Deflate your ego, and you will be a better person.

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