
What does the saying, "U reap what u sow," mean?

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What does the saying, "U reap what u sow," mean?




  1. Whatever you do in life has consequences. Whatever you give your interest and your study or brain activity to will define you.

    If you are hurtful to people, not caring about their feelings perhaps eventually when you need them they won't be there for you.

    If you are consistently kind, caring and understanding of peoples problems they will hopefully know that they can rely on you and maybe help you in time of need.

    We are how we think underneath any facade we put up. Whether angry, greedy, untrustworthy or whatever.

    In taxi drivers in London I remember it being said that because of all the 'knowledge' of maps and roads that they had to have the area of the brain dealing with it was enlarged as against the norm. It may be that other strong interests that we develop could have a similar effect.

  2. it means you sow good thing you will also reap good things. but if you sow bad you will reap bad

  3. This is basically a saying that goes back to the bible.  Its based off of an analogy of the reaper and sower. Its basically a law that whatever you do it will come back to you.  When you sow, you are giving or working.  Like sowing a seed in the ground.  Once you have sown that seed there is a process which is called reaping which is a farming technique to produce vegetables.  Basically whatever you do in life it will come back to you good or bad.  Its all in the bible.

    The specific scripture to this can be found in Galatians 6: 6 - 18.

  4. It means risk equals reward and hard work means good prosperity. Like on a farm, you can only reap your crops, and they will only be reapable if you sow them. Unless this farm in in communist aisa.

  5. Since if you plant a particular seed (sow), you'll harvest (reap) a particular plant, this saying means that your particular actions will bring particular reactions.

  6. You can not  sow turnips and expect strawberries to come up. Be kind, and kindness is returned, Be hateful and hatefulness Will return.  Sow love and love is returned.

  7. its like the saying you made your own bed, now sleep in it

    example: if your bitchy to your friends, theyre gonna fall out with you/ if you spend time revising, your gonna pass your test

    basically, its a you get what you deserve thing

  8. If you give hatred, you will get hatred.

    If you give love, you will get love.

    If you give apathy, you will get apathy.

    If you give mercy, you will get mercy.

    It means what it says.

  9. Whatever you put in to something is what you will get out of it.


  10. If you sow bitterness and anger - You will reap bitterness and anger....if you sow in will reap in love.....

    The seeds you sow will produce the fruit of that seed.

    If I gave you $100.  Someone down the road will give me $100.  just because I blessed you.

  11. You get what you give

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