
What does the saying "don't forget to wash behind your ears" mean?

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Is it just a cute saying or what? I've always wondered if those mothers were serious...




  1. This is not a cute saying. It is very literal. Wash behind your ears. Do the obvious and the hidden as well.



    PS I wish I had $100 for every time I heard this.

  2. It means get clean and wash everywhere.

  3. It means don't take things for granted.

    "Behind your ears" are the part of the body that is hidden.  People always pay enough attention only to what is seen, especially by other people.  But there are other parts of you that are just as important that needs your attention too.

    It could have a literal meaning, but it could also mean philosophical.  In any case, it is always used affectionately by people who care about you.

  4. It means they think you should actually use some soap this time around instead of bathing with just water.. It seems like a nice way to tell you. That you stink really and don't come back till your clean.

  5. It means you need to pay attention to the details...the hidden, small details where sometimes things are hidden, behind the ears where you can not see immediately upon first inspection but where "dirt" (the unknown)  can hide.

    And, then sometimes it is just a cute saying.

  6. I think it means exactly what it says, and perhaps, in a larger sense, it means to wash thoroughly.

  7. Mothers are always serious about washing.  Remember, a mother's reputation is based on her children's public performance and respectability. Also, boys are notoriously resistent to bathing at a certain age and so only apply the sponge to the "big parts", neglecting crevices, creases, and their ears.

    As Dint has said, there is a more global application of this phrase.  It means that one shouldn't forget an essential element just because it isn't obvious.  

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