
What does the size of a man's skid marks say about him?

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What does the size of a man's skid marks say about him?




  1. Slob. I gotta ask, blackjackgirl, how in the heck do you know not to date a guy with skidmarks without being extremely crude or actually dating to the point of seeing his underwear? I'm very curious about this one,. peace

  2. Well, having one, in any size, means he needs to be more diligent in his wiping! But I suppose the bigger it is the less wiping he has done! Thereby making him NASTIER then some one with a small skid!

  3. Well you have to consider the size and load of whats in his trailer first and dependent upon the rate of speed when the load left his trailer. So if the size of skid mark is not proportional  with the size of his trailer then he was overloaded, not a good sign. So no skid marks makes a better man.

  4. that he needs to learn how to whip his @zz

  5. How tight his deltoid muscles are and how flexible his wrists are.  

  6. How big of a S**t he is in real life.

  7. whatever the size is, it's gross. person is still primitive unless he understands hygiene.

    or maybe, the person just likes to show his "signature" to everyone..a personality disorder, i think. lol

  8. If it's small, he'll be pretty embarrassed.  If it's big, then he's just given up and is not embarrassed.

    If there's a crease in the skid mark, then he probably sits down a lot.  If the skid is accompanied by a few pebbles, then he's pretty active.

    Great Question!  I seriously laughed so hard, I cried.  

  9. They are directly proportional to the number of women that complain of him being a pervert.

  10. That he has enough to eat,

    lives alone and has

    no sense of smell.

  11. that hes gross and needs better hygiene.  

  12. that he needs to shower after he takes a dump...

    will not date a man with skidmarks....

    so learn to wipe better,you lazy azz

  13. He's honoring his passion for Nascar

  14. Size?  How about the mere existence....which says he's dirty, lazy and disgusting....and needs a serious lesson in butt-wiping......

  15. If it's big he has a nice a**s.

  16. that he doesn't know how to wipe his ***

  17. it means he's out of toilet paper

  18. It says that he's a man who enjoys wallowing in his own fecal matter for the better part of the day.

  19. He needs to change his laxative.

  20. Good God.  What a question.

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