
What does the small point next to the ATIS frequency mean, and how do I know which one of the 2...............

by  |  earlier

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........ TWR-frequencies is on, or why does a small airport like this have 2 TWR-frequencies?




  1. It means non-continuous operation.

    That asterisk means that at some point when the tower is not in operation, you will not be able to receive local weather from this particular aerodrome.

    Sometimes this means that if you are forced to use an altimeter setting from a different airport, then you will have higher than published minimums.  Normally a separate column for non-local altimeter settings will be published if this is the case.

  2. These are explained in the legends for your Jepp charts.

    An asterisk next to any of the comm frequencies means it's part-time.

    You have to check other sources to determine which frequency to use. Check the airport chart and see if there are comments on the tower frequency.

    I don't have European charts here so this is based on US charts. I assume Germany is the same.

  3. The point is the decimal place. You have to have that to tune the correct frequency.

    If an airport has multiple tower frequencies they are usually assigned certain runways. It helps avoid congestion and eases the controller's load.

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