
What does the term 'homeless people' mean?

by Guest59097  |  earlier

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I would think that 'homeless' and 'people' would be contradictory categories, whereas 'homeless alcoholics' , 'homeless drug addicts' , and 'homeless scroungers on benefits' make sense, I cannot see how the 'homeless' can also be 'people'.

This is very confusing, have Gordon Browns madmen cronies given the homeless human rights?

What next, unemployment benefits for monkeys?




  1. You are being a very arrogant, ignorant "person", homeless people are not on benefits as benefits cannot be claimed if you have no fixed address, and just because they have no home does not mean they are any less of a person than you or anyone else, no one asks to be in those circumstances and neither you or anyone else knows what has happened to those people for them to be in that position. Have a little compassion.  

  2. They are people. They are homeless. Hence, Homeless People. There are also really stupid questions. Stupid. Questions.  

  3. I've been homeless.

    I think it's important to realize that some homeless are just down on their luck.  It's a transitory position in life, like being unemployed, or uneducated.  It's a problem that can be solved.

    In my case, I was deeply in debt. I lost my job, and the whole house of cards came crashing down. I didn't want to be a burden to my family and friends (and I was a bit embarrassed of my financial situation), so I lived on the streets.  Thanks to a temporary shelter, I found a job and got my life back together.  Without the shelter, though, I would have been desperately cornered.  No one will hire a person who can't shower, doesn't own an alarm clock, etc....

    I wasn't a drunk, I wasn't a drug addict and I wasn't taking any welfare.  So...perhaps there are exceptions to your rule...

  4. How can someone who is homeless not be a person? I don't understand your logic. Are you basically saying that in order to be a person you have to have a home? Please explain in more detail because I don't want to criticise you without knowing exactly what it is you think.

  5. I don't like homeless people as they harass people walking the streets for money. I mean, my sister and I were nearly attacked by a homeless man who threatened us with a knife just because we both ignored him. Birmingham and London (two lovely cities) are really full of them so are smaller places such as Bath and Taunton. In my experience, I've found homeless people to be rude, arrogant and horrible to anybody. I have even seen two foreign tourists getting harassed by a homeless man in London and they even offered him money but he still wanted to annoy them. There has to be a law protecting the public and visitors to this country from people like that because they tend to pray on anyone they can and as a lone female I don't always feel safe. I agree that there are exceptions to every rule but homeless people are a nuisance, I prefer stray dogs and cats anyday!

  6. Homeless People Are People Who Don't have homes, they don't have an address.. Not all homeless people fit into the alcoholic drug filled stereotype, some are simply homeless due to bad situations in family life.

  7. You wouldn't last five minutes on the street, you k**b.

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