
What does the term "Troll" mean on Y/A?

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What does the term "Troll" mean on Y/A?




  1. It's like, a person who purposely says things to insult people.

    I just call them ignorant.

    I hate when people use that word.

  2. Someone who reports other users questions & answers or gives everyone a thumbs down just to be spiteful. They also post irritating or insulting replies to questions.

  3. Someone who frequently and intentionally tries to attract controversy in an online forum.

  4. There used to be trolls about on Yahoo Answers but they don’t exist any more. When they did exist, they were very difficult to spot, because they gave no clues. If only there were just one left, I could point them out to you and then you would know what a troll was.  

  5. A troll is someone who posts comments or material to try and get an emotional response from other users on a discussion board, such as Yahoo! Answers.

    Just remember... Don't Feed the Trolls!  In other words, just ignore them.

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