
What does the term "side out" mean when talking about volleyball?

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What does the term "side out" mean when talking about volleyball?




  1. Side out basically means to get the ball back. The opposing team just made a point on you, and they're serving. That would be an instance when you need a "side out".

  2. Side out is an old term that people still use today because they got a habit of saying it when the other team is serving

    To start, about 8 years ago for high school and about 12 years ago for college (i think in '94):

    You had to serve in order to score a point so you if were in serve receive you wanted to "side out" and get the ball back so that you could have the opportunity to score.  When the system was changed to rally point, (you can get a point in any rally) "siding out" no longer was used.

  3. SideOut is a company that makes volleybal gear.  

  4. I have heard that it originally was that the "side was out of their term of service."  That does not make a very good cheer.  It was shortened to side out.  

  5. Its where the other team has just scored a point on you so your team needs to get a side out and get the ball back

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