
What does the term “GOOD DESIGN” mean to you?

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What does the term “GOOD DESIGN” mean to you?




  1. It has to work to best practice capacity for what it is designed to do.

    For what it is designed to to, it must do to it's maximum output,to flexibly suit the masses and individual clientell .

  2. Something that is designed well.

  3. Asked to define jazz, Louis Armstrong said, "You'll know it when you hear it."  I feel the same way about good design.

        What I can say, authoritatively, is this: good graphic design is not about style or fashion.  First and foremost, it is about communication.  And it should always have a direct, bottom-line effect on any organization's business.

        How much more value does a quickly-and easily-communicated visual message have over one that's neither?  Frankly, I don't know the answer.  But I do know that there is a commercial imperative today for graphic design quality and distinction.

        Like it or not, we live in a world that is over-communicated, and we must use media that are excessively cluttered.  The only way to combat this condition is through design that not only distinguishes an organization, but that quickly communicates its many messages well.

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