
What does the title, "Pride and Prejudice" mean ?

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Its a book/movie.




  1. The title Pride and Prejudice refers (among other things) to the ways in which Elizabeth and Darcy first view each other. The original version of the novel was written in 1796-1797 under the title First Impressions, and was probably in the form of an exchange of letters.

    It portrays life in the genteel rural society of the day, and tells of the initial misunderstandings and later mutual enlightenment between Elizabeth Bennet (whose liveliness and quick wit have often attracted readers) and the haughty Darcy.

  2. pride- noun

    1. a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.

    2. the state or feeling of being proud.

    3. a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.

    4. pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself or believed to reflect credit upon oneself: civic pride.

    5. something that causes a person or persons to be proud: His art collection was the pride of the family.

    6. the best of a group, class, society, etc.: This bull is the pride of the herd.


    1. an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

    2. any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.

    3. unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, esp. of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group.

  3. There are a number of online study guides for Pride and Prejudice, and quite a few other resources on the web that can help you with this novel.  Most of them have quite a bit of good information.  Have a look at these sites, and you should get some help with your work.  If you do a search for Pride and Prejudice here in the Yahoo Answers search window you will find that quite a few questions have been asked here about this book, so that is another source of help.

  4. orgullo y prejuicio

  5. Pride refers to Darcy; Prejudice refers to Elizabeth.

    "Jane Austen began her second novel, Pride and Prejudice, before she was twenty-one. It was originally titled First Impression because the appearances of the characters created the plot of the novel. However, because the novel is also concerned with the effects of the character’s first impressions, that is their prejudice, Austen found the title Pride and Prejudice more appropriate."

    "The title Pride and Prejudice refers (among other things) to the ways in which Elizabeth and Darcy first view each other. The original version of the novel was written in 1796-1797 under the title First Impressions, and was probably in the form of an exchange of letters."

    Hope this helps!

  6. After reading the book, you can interpret the title as being a description of the two main characters, Elizabeth and Mr Darcy.  Mr Darcy is proud, and does not think this is a character flaw, but it is, and one that he overcomes during the course of the book.  Elizabeth is prejudiced against Mr Darcy because of his pride, as she judges him on her first impression and finds him a snob. She overcomes this prejudice in time as she begins to know the real Mr Darcy, and falls in love with him.

    If you want a dictionary definition, then:

    Pride: "A high, especially an excessively high, opinion of one's own worth or importance which gives rise to a feeling or attitude of superiority over others; inordinate self-esteem."

    Prejudice: "Prejudgment, or Preconceived opinion not based on reason or actual experience; bias, partiality." (from the Oxford English Dictionary).

    Hope that helps!

  7. She was incredibly proud, and he had a lot of prejudice.

    It's a story about an unlikely matching... she rejects him due to her pride, and he has certain opinions of her based on his preconceptions- his prejudice

  8. The original title was "First Impressions" - does that help?

  9. Okay, prejudice means making an opinion (or decision) before becoming aware of the relevant facts of the case or event. And then, d'you know what pride means? If not, look it up. Anyway, the reason it's called Pride and Prejudice is that Elizabeth is forming opinions of Mr. Darcy before she's even found out the whole story. For example, the thing with Mr. Wickham and Mr. Darcy. She jumped to a conclusion when she heard Wickham's side of the tale, and condemned Mr. Darcy without bothering to find out his side. I dunno how confusing that is, but it's the best answer I could give you.

    Fly on,


    Jk! Have you ever read Maximum Ride and seen the blog? If not, than you won't know about my signiature or why I said just kidding. Check out

    Oh, my answer is still correct by the way. That wasn't kidding.  

  10. Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, it was adapted in to several movies (the latest one featuring Keira Knightley). The title refers to the character flaws of the two main characters. Mr.Darcy is prideful and Elizabeth is prejudiced and misunderstands everyone, including Darcy.  

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