
What does the ultimate backstage book tell you to do to get passes??

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What does the ultimate backstage book tell you to do to get passes??




  1. It is nothing but a rip-off....It is design ESPECIALLY to get young kids to waste their money on a 30 page booklet(over-price)..It has a lot of big sounding convincing words and a fancy looking website....If getting backstage passes were that easy EVERYONE would be doing it....Last year it happened to getting a listing on, the head people at that ran found out what this book was in reality..They also knew that some of the stuff in the book can get  somebody arrested if they try the stuff in it...They also found the company that sells this book has a rating of "F" from the Better Business Bureau on some of their other products.

  2. It gives you exact directions on how to get backstage passes.

    Thanks to the ultimate backstage book, I actually met Justin Beiber!

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