
What does the word Spiritual mean to you?

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What comes to mind when you hear Spiritual??

I admit, i have no answer!!




  1. when I think of spiritual, lots of things spring to my mind. For me, spirituality is a sense of wholeness, a sense of knowingness, and a sense of something far greater and more wonderful than what I see in front of me. When we get sick we have two paths we can take; we can shrivel up and die or we can open ourselves up to a new journey.

    Our spirit is our essence. And it also tends to be the one thing we neglect the most. We have to make time everyday to feed our spirit. When we take care of our spirit we find the path to our authentic self and ultimately to living the life we were intended to live.


    I think about this a lot.

  2. I usually think of people who don't like the rules of the religion that they were brought up in... they say things like "oh, I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual"...  They are often ignorant when it comes to philosophy and the history of religion.

    Some of them would be (insert random denomination here) if they had more discipline, where others would be atheists if they had the stomach for it.

  3. Someone gullible, someone trying to create a (false) meaning to their life. Probably someone middle class who is eager to part with their cash for trite charms and images. Someone who is almost certainly going to be boring in conversation, someone with no opinion.

  4. Connecting my inner self to the world around me and feeling at peace with it

  5. Spiritual for me is being concerned with life beyond this world.  I mean being more attracted with the works of God.  Having at peace with anyone.

  6. For me, it's not about your physical, psychological or emotion.  It's all about your conscious that connects with conscience and metaphysical needs.

  7. At one with nature. Not worrying about material goods but listening to the sound of the wind, the birds and animals. Being at peace in one's mind and body and focussing on the positive.

  8. super natural

  9. anything that is not physical

    cos to me spiritual is the direct opposite of physical

  10. Spirit is Quality.

    Truth is simple.

  11. physics & psychology.

  12. well, i had to think about it a bit.

    celebrating & embracing all the things you cannot see.

    i guess thats the best way i can sum it up.

  13. Go to the book store and start reading. Its very cool and life changing. It'll make your whole life great

    To me it means we have the power to think of things and then they just happen.

    Start with Dr Wayne W. Dyer's books

    Maybe Manifest Your Destiny talks of that real well.

    Also get the Celestine Prophecy at library...reads like sci fi but stays with you like a good example of "being on a path"

    ( your life adds up to something, and you must be finding what, and using intuitive power along the trek...

    very very cool

    find this

    its great

    Also know...there is energy in all things, all is energy and connected, if you focus on  and develop awareness of being that, you will have a mystical experience, an enlightened conscious state

    you will become mildly but functionally psychic (as we are all intended to be)

    you can learn to be very wise and powerful, above the material frecus if you seek and develop these things for yourself

    but you must read read read

    Other suggested books

    Deepak Chopra..the 7 spiritual laws of success

    and try The Purpose Of Your Life

    Remember that all happens for a reason.

    All is as it should be. some bhuddist teachings and find out about being detached from outcome, youre life will change, and success will start effortlelessly falling into your life, if you will just stop strugglong because you think effort "

    against not having" is required (it is supposed to be SO easy, in reality-->think of it, it happens)  Thats what Dyer's Manifest Your Destiny will teach. Start there And commit to some years of growing. And learning to enjoy today.

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