
What does the word enrichment mean?

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i just got my shool schedule.i got this classcalled enrichment i do not know what it means




  1. In general it means to add nourishment. It can be cash, knowledge or food. Anything that is supposed to do someone good.  If I could have underlined the word "supposed," I would.

  2. It's likely a liberal arts program. A course that teaches you stuff to make you "better" in general. Y'know, like music appreciation when you have no music requirement for your major.

  3. The word enrichment means to make more rich, but I don't think that will help much.  It could be anything from studying the arts to tutoring in reading to field trips.

  4. It means to make better, grander, more difficult, harder.

  5. To enrich something means to improve its quality, usually by adding something to it.Enrichment is the act of enriching something. The enrichment class allotted to you may be revising and adding something to what you have learned in your previous classes.


  6. Well, acording to my dictionary/thesaurus, enrichment or enrich means to make financially rich or richer.

    Or, I guess it means to help you grow more knowledge??????'?'

  7. Go here and check out which one is the most likely.

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