
What does the word ********* mean?

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i know the word niggardly doesn't me the n word, but what does it mean?




  1. GOOGLE DOT FREAKING COM, would have saved a lot of people a lot of trouble. Though admittedly entertaining.

  2. It means ********.

  3. stingy, miserly, penny-pinching

  4. It means "excessively frugal", or "cheap".  

    It is not, and has never been a racist term.  It's existence in the English language predates the slave trade.  

  5. It means petty, miserly, reluctant to spend money

  6. scant, very little, petty, withholding, meager...  

  7. Not willing to spend, give or share.  Cheap, Scant, Meager.

  8. is this a trick question?

  9. It means

    Grudging and petty in giving or spending.

    Meanly small; scanty or meager: left the waiter a niggardly tip.

    nig'gard·li·ness n., nig'gard·ly adv.

    It also means in the manner of a niggard.  A niggard is  an excessively parsimonious, miserly, or stingy person.  


    [Origin: 1325–75; ME nyggard, equiv. to nig niggard (< Scand; cf. dial. Sw nygg; akin to OE hnéaw stingy)

  10. Don't think there IS a word spelled "nigadly"

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