
What does the word "metooism" mean? ?

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As for the war, Dewey would not alter the basic strategy but would fight it better -- a type of "metooism" ridiculed by the Democrats.




  1. metooism- in this sentence, it means that Dewey would use a duplicate of the "basic strategy" that apparently the Democrats do not like  

  2. –noun

    1. the adopting of policies, methods, products, etc., similar or identical to those of a peer, rival, or competitor.

    2. the practice of making a product, offering a service, etc., that attempts to duplicate one that is established.

    [Origin: 1945–50; me-too + -ism]

    —Related forms

    me-tooer, noun

    me-tooist, adjective, noun

  3. The practice of forming your ideals or living under the influence of what other people are doing, or consider cool at any given moment.

    A theory that ultimate reality lies within a realm subscribing to the commonplace or ordinary. If five others are doing it, it must be great!

    A practice that affirms the preeminent value of whatever is popular with the general public at a specific time and place.

    For example, your friends start reading books about birds. You start reading bird books too, only because your friends are doing it.

  4. 1. the adopting of policies, methods, products, etc., similar or identical to those of a peer, rival, or competitor.  

    2. the practice of making a product, offering a service, etc., that attempts to duplicate one that is established.

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