
What does the word universe mean broken down?

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What does the word universe mean broken down?

Alright I have a question, what does the universe mean if you break it down in parts. For example, the word atheist. "a" means without, and "theist" means belief in god. So you get the word atheist, with the meaning without belief in god.

So what does the word universe mean. I would assume uni means one, but what about the verse. I've heard the word multiverse, so there are more than one verses, but once again what would be the meaning of verse in both words. Thanks for the help.




  1. Uni means "one" and versus means "to turn." The word universe is translated literally as "turned into one."

    My source is:

  2. uni- = one

    -verse (latin) = turn (as in the turning of the seasons, turning of  the stars in the sky).

    Universe = All matter and energy, including the earth, the galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole.

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