
What does these symbol mean?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know my dream but all i remember i wanted to rain so i said "rain" and it did and i was happy that it was raining and plus i was praying in my dream like those sayings that your suppose to say it daily.and i saw God.yeah seriously God!so what does it mean?




  1. You saw God or you felt it was him / because I never heard anybody saying they had seen God ; well He is protecting you

  2. i beleive it was Elisiah in he Bible that called on God because of a drought and prayed it would rain, he praid for a very long time and then it did.

    People may not like my interperatiation, but i would say that God is trying to tell you that when you are HIS, and in Him alone, you will be used to an extent that many never see and that He will make you very powerful.

    God bless.

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