
What does this Benjamin Franklin quote mean.."Beware the hobby that eats?"

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Does this mean 'beware the hobby that takes one over and becomes out of control'?




  1. Just a guess, but I think he is talking about having a hobby that involves ongoing expenses.  For example, if your hobby was horse racing, then there is the upkeep of the horse, including food.  

    It is hard to change your mind about something if there is an associated ongoing expense that can't be avoided.

    It is better to have a hobby that can be shut down on the spur of the moment if you want to.  For example, if your hobby is stamp collecting, you can just stop buying new stamps if you get tired of it or if your personal financial situation changes.

  2. What this quote is saying is, BE CAUTIOUS. Thats all.

  3. yes

  4. It means beware of amusements that cost money even after you stop enjoying them.

    In his day, it largely referred to keeping animals other than productive farm animals, but now it could refer to an expensive boat that costs so much money, you never have time to go visit it because you're working overtime to pay for the insurance, registration taxes, and dock fees.

    Ben also didn't go in much for young women, as they tend to be high maintenance. He preferred older women because they weren't a lot of trouble.  

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