I was at school, and i was at lunch, when i see my ex-BFF (a red haired girl) was sitting with a whole bunch of popular kids that I used to be friends with (in real life i was dethroned because of my ex-BFF and i HATE her!). Then all my friends started getting mad that the red haired grl left left and tey actuly wanted her back!
But then this other red head girl i only met once came, and she didn't care and was actually WITH me. Then I started giving her piggy back rides, and I ate crackers off a table with a bunch of food, Then recess was over so I went to class with a black backpack, and this guyfriend that asked me out in real life but i dumped, was whispering to me, then kissed me in my dream.. I sat down, and
this other guy asks for some paper. I look through my binder, and each notebook i looked through had been used up! then finally i find one, and the paper had my name and a Treble Cliff Sign (music) written in it as if it were copied by a machine.
What does this dream mean?