
What does this Hamlet quote mean?

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So, oft it chances in particular men,

That for some vicious mole of nature in them,

As, in their birth—wherein they are not guilty,

Since nature cannot choose his origin—

By the o’ergrowth of some complexion,




  1. it means that when people are born they are different than others & that no one can make them who they are.

  2. "So, oft it chances in particular men"

    So, it can occur in some men

    "That for some vicious mole of nature in them"

    That they have a particular fault in them

    "As, in their birth—wherein they are not guilty"

    They were born with it - they are not guilty of it

    "Since nature cannot choose his origin—"

    Since it was not freely chosen.

    In other words, Hamlet is here discussing that men all have certain faults that are not of their choosing. However, these faults can still drag them down and taint their behavior.

  3. I think Hamlet esteems the nature of the male species. The differences along with the likenesses

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