
What does this Metro Station shirt mean?

by  |  earlier

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Haha I feel like a r****d asking this question.

OK, well on the shirt there is four dots things?

What do they stand for?

and is it ok to wear this shirt to a privet school on free dress day?

Here is the shirt.......

(sorry my mom wont let me show my face)




  1. just out of curiosity, why would you wear a shirt when you don't even know what it means..that's kinda stupid. Regardless, most schools will send you home for wearing that..I can only imagine what a private school would do..

  2. That's called a brass knuckle.

    It's a weapon that you put over four fingers [excluding the thumb].

    Some celebrities have wore them in the past, so it turned into a sort of accessories and is kind-of 'in'.

    It's also somewhat into the scene. [Scene kids, style, music, ect.]

    && I don't think you should wear it to school since it's a weapon, and you don't want to mislead others.

    Well, hope I've helped in anyway. && good luck with everything.

    -Bows. [:

  3. the four dots are called brass knuckles.

    and it all depends on your dress code. and what is a free dress down? if you mean a dress down day, then im sure it will probably be ok.

  4. uhh those would be brass knuckles.

    they are usually illegal because when used they are used to break peoples jaws and/or face bones when punching someone in the face

  5. a paw?or rings?

  6. theyre brass knuckles a weapon

    so you probably shouldnt wear it to schoool

  7. i think they're pawprints....

  8. brass knuckles.

    jesuss people are stupid. lol pawprints?

    wear it.

    s***w it. you probably wont get in trouble.  

  9. brass knuckles.  they're great when you want to knock out someone really quick.  watch the movie 3 o'clock high.  you'll see how great brass knuckles can be.

  10. Brass knuckles

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