
What does this REALLY unusual dream mean?!!?

by Guest59017  |  earlier

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Last night i dreamed that I was at a party. There, I met some kids that were younger then me. I was playing with them, and they were very nice kids. Then i saw a few other of my friends from school, and i was somewhat popular (im queen bee at my dance studio, but not at school anymore because i was dethroned) and i was happy. Then i hear the name of the kids that I really hated, and my group was torturing him (like he did to me in real life) and he was cautious.

Then my group was being lead by this guy and his gf and I was done taking the lead, which I was alone. Then i saw the group crowding the punch bowls, and i was alone walking by myself.

Then i was in the back seat of the car, and i was deciding to go to mcdonalds or starbucks, so i went on starbucks , and i was waiting in a car line, and this guy comes up to us and asks us for money. The dream kept saying that it costed about 120 bucks for one starbucks! And i was still in line.

what does this mean?




  1. this dream means you should not eat chocolate or cheese or chili sauce before bed.

  2. I don't really think theres dream experts here, go ask freud.

    oh I must of been wrong haha.

  3. WTF wat are you smoking!?!?!?!?!? jk idk

  4. cars means travel,  moving to a new place of life, dreaming about values or food thinking it was a lot means that life sucks sometimes and that you dont waste money on material things, and you will be careful who you trust, mainly,  it was  happy dream as you knew you would be served shortly and waited patiently, even though it seemed expensive you didnt panic as you will be ok and someone who loves you will be there with you.

  5. I think this dream is about you and your personality. It's pretty complex.

    Apparently, you are happy with being in a certain position and you feel joy out of being there, but something is trying to hinder your happiness by misleading you (in the part when you a girl and guy is leading your group, but then your alone). Finally, this something has finally caught a hold of you.

    Then, in the second part with starbucks, it's definitely a  warning to be prepared, because there could be a situation that you will be forced into. I think the whole dream is just a warning to be cautious and prepared, and don't give in to anything false.

    I hope this helps.  

  6. You're superficial as ****?

  7. it was a dream it doesnt mean anythign

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