
What does this advertisement slogan mean "woman that does not wear perfume has no future"?

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why would they something so harsh, and untrue?

were they saying a sloppy girl won't get anywhere?

what's your interpretation?




  1. Personally I hate that kind of thinking.  Not only does it demean women by making them think that they have to do 'X' before they are a real woman but its very very annoying for those of us who are allergic to perfume (and I'm not the only one).

  2. I disagree.  I think it is accurate and fair to say that a woman's entire future depends on whether she wears perfume, but only if you are selling perfume.

    To be serious, though, of course it's a ridiculous claim.  While I see nothing wrong with a woman wanting to make herself a bit more attractive by using perfume, scent is certainly not the thing any sensible man would consider most in searching for a mate.  Furthermore, finding the right mate is only one way among others to achieve a happy, successful future.

  3. It means men wrote the stupid advertisement. You might find it interesting to know that although Napoleon and Josephine took regular baths (not so common in their time), Napoleon once sent Josephine a letter in which he wrote,  "I will return to Paris tomorrow evening. Don't wash." He didn't want any flowery or spicy smelling ointment masking the natural scent of his beloved.

    No conqueror I, I have to go with just plain soap and water freshness.

  4. Get over it, it's an advert.

    This is just how the media operates, their bottom line is to SELL product ~ they'll do it any way they can ~ emotional blackmail as in this advert is just one of the things they'll use to sell product.

    If you feel that strongly about it ~ kick 'em where it hurts, by not buying their perfume.

  5. Actually it has a lot of truth to it.

    It basically means that the power of women are their beauty, which I agree with.  If I want to talk with somebody, then most often it's other guys when it comes to philosophy.  I would love to find intelligent women in my life, but I've found that to be impossible.  No woman has been smarter than me and not long ago, I didn't think other men were smarter either, but I found one guy that is wiser.

    Women are good for their babies.  Men are good for their sperm.

    If you can come up with a better explanation, then you will go down in history.  Good luck with that though.

  6. men want to keep women down. they want them to think that they won't have any future if they don't "pretty themselves up" And find some man. It is BULL! Stupid BULL! Ignore the Jerk offs! They are scared of our power!

  7. That's the advertising industry for you. WE are all just numbers to them , not humans .

    They don't think of us as humans , isn't that amazing ? Are they humans , i doubt it. Ta h**l with what they say

  8. I think that it is dumb! Don't take it personally, they just want your money anyway

  9. That is retarded.  As if a girl's future is dependent on what is outside and what is inside does not matter.  

    I find it truly offensive.

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