
What does this dream mean, please help!?

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I had this dream more than once.

I was in the shed aquarium with my school. There was this exhibit so me and two other people went in. There was this alligator/lizzard/frog. We thought it was real but then we found out it was fake, so we went on the stepping stones to the next place. We had to go in this tank with a really skinny black sword fish with big red eyes and a red tip. So we went passed it and then there was this really steep mountain that we had to go down. But we didn't go. So we turned back and I stayed and the entrance for a while and one of the people I was with swam into the fish. so the two people I was with came back by me and so did the fish. It started talking to us, threatning to kill us. But then I asked it to check my homework and it changed into a charater from my book and checked my homework. I said that I had to put my science homework away. It didn't let me at first but then I went by it without it knowing.

Then there were these big tanks with fish the




  1. It means that you will go to the place where everything is not very good. It is a place of deception. You'll need to keep yourself in the right company.

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