
What does this dream mean? Please help...

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I had a dream of a person i thought was good looking but never really liked. In the dream we hug and stuff and I guess we are in a relationship, but then they die... I don't remember of what or how. But then it's like I'm in this house that's flooding and the water has gotten deep and there is this car toy thing that represents the person floating on a mattress and the car falls and I try to get it but it sinks. And then I'm crying and stuff and later on We are having this reunion thing for him and I pretty much cry my heart out and am in this emotional pain kinda thing.

I know it's long, sorry. But is there any meaning to this? I found it really odd because I don't really talk to the person.




  1. i dont get it? wierd dreams happen when theres someone u think is hot around

  2. maybe it means you afraid to lose someone special to you like if you are in a relationship now

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