
What does this dream mean? i would really like to know, if anyone can help?

by  |  earlier

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I start off, walking down the street and it is all normal, when suddenly everyone around me have swirling faces and i get scared, then i start spinning in the ground and i dig a hole and fall into some lava, i presume it is under the earth's crust, i can't swim in my dream and i drown and fall onto a dark stage, naked, a spotlight is shone onto me and an audience start to laugh.

i have had this dream frequently, about twice a week, please could someone help?




  1. Dreams dont mean anything, stop wasting your time!!!!!!!

  2. people with swirling faces = social pressure

    dig a hole and fall into some lava = low self esteem

    can't swim and drown = losing control

    naked, dark stage = low self esteem confidence

    You may be feeling lack of support and low self esteem in your social life. Projecting being laughed at in a spotlight situation symbolize low confidence and low self esteem in you.  

    Since this dream is recurring dream, that means there is something you feel unresolved. In other words, it could be triggered by some words you received and somehow you can't get it over with.  The swirling faces that get you scare signifies some peer pressure in your life.  Perhaps, something happened lately that caused you dream of something like that.

    Of course, any media effect life movies, TV shows, images  you spotted from books, computer (Mac) can also trigger this dream, in that case, it only means that it is a play back of life time experience.

  3. I think this is about you feeling vulnerable as you are unsure of yourself in something. It feels like you don't feel confident about whatever this is and are afraid of making a fool of yourself or not being able to do what is expected of you.  The fact that you can't swim in the lava is how you feel, like it a struggle, but I do feel your fears are unfounded.  I think your lack of confidence is actually nothing to do with the current situation it is just bringing up fears from something that happened a long time ago and you musn't let it affect you. You are very competent and capable.

  4. You are scared of relying on people, scared of being exposed and you feel under pressure.

  5. The street is your life. The swirling faces are anxiety. The lava is depression. Cant swim? A feeling of hopelessness. Naked? Spotlight? You've got through it. The laughing people? Your back to normal.

    I think maybe you have a friend who is in this boat.

  6. Maybe you are trying to hide something that you are ashamed of and it scares you to think that people could find out about it. to the point were you just want to die and hide away.

  7. Hi there

    Hope I can help, I've been doing this for a while now.

    here goes

    key elements






    spot light

    audience laughing

    You are moving through life progressing towards your goals, yet the scary faces you see is obsticles that are getting in your way because u let them.

    The hole means you are feeling empty you need to expose yourself to new things because right now you are stuck in a rut unable to get yourself to your goals.

    The larva represents a re-birth, you will undergo a change, a transformation but you have to be willing to change

    Spinning is the feeling that you are loosing control.

    The spotlight means you have a need to be noticed whether you realise it or not (this is not a bad need, it's a good need) you have been feeling overlooked

    The stage represents again your need to be seen, it also represents your behaviour and relationships with others. You want your family, friends and possibly lover to notice you and take you seriously not take you for granted.

    The audience laughing is a fear of the world around you (family, friends, lover, people in general etc..) and what they might think of you if you were to expose your personality and be more assertive.

    Bottom line is you need to be you! It's ok to be reserved but it's time to get up and break free and really dazzle the world and those around you

    hope that helps.

  8. It sounds like you are going through big changes and you are insecure if these changes are going to be ok for you

  9. it means your boss will finally give you a raise and you will get your artsy , designed apartment in shoreditch and your prince charming disguised as antoher happy yuppie hipster in an orange granpa shirt, curly blonde hair with a cute smile, will finally asked you to be his wife and you will get married in your dream vera wang dress and you will make love and eat baguettes in your summer house somewhere in south of france...

    Was this the answer you were looking for you dumb hipster!?

    Go play in traffic!

  10. yea i tnk i have answer of this dream

    it s mean the realy of your life mayby you make beg  mistake and you d ont know the true and how corect it ......and mayby you are not good with some one in your family or in your friends you want to be good with every one and d ont go to make mistake and i tnk that s some thing in your heart you scared obot it i want to help you more and becafore you ve your armes your heart to be will strong.....bye

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