
What does this dream mean? please...?

by  |  earlier

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well i had a dream that 2 friends of mine (not best friends but still friends) were with me and they wanted to kill me then kill themselves but i talked them out of killing me and so they took a big pipe and stuck it through their head and when i saw flashed to like fire and weird things and idk its like the worst dream i've had and i want to know wat it means please!




  1. it means that your friends may have grudges against you for something you've done and it has affected them greatly; they feel remorse for having this grudge but at the same time need to have it. they might let go of it soon enough (that's the whole not killing you). sticking the pipe through their head means that they are not to sure about what to do (open minded, literally). if it flashed like fire it means things might backfire on you. thigns have been way stressful in your life recently, i'd guess, because fire is only ever when things are tough.

    next time, when you fall asleep, try to think of something that would normally distract you, ie. a big screen tv, a giant lollipop, a cute puppy, BUT they have to be happy!

    or, try listening to some classical music, an audiobook, or some jazz.


  2. A lot of times dreams prepare us for situatuion, however unlikely the situations may be. This one sounds like your mind is thinking of a non-violent way out of getting killed, because the person that's trying to kill you is someone your close to. Them killingthemselves could be a sign of guilt like stated above. The fact that you were able to save yourself but not them.

    Another thing that this could mean, is the fact that your subconsciously feel that these friends, aren't that great of friends. Perhaps, deep down in your mind, you feel like these friends are hostile, or out to get you, or just plain annoying. This would be represented by them trying to kill you. And maybe, in a subconscious state, you'd like to ditch them, but your afraid. Your afraid that if you ditch them, they'll have nowhere else to go, and they'll be really depressed, and you'll feel guilty. This is represented by the part where they kill themselves. Ditching them would save you from them, but it would also mean that they socially die. This, I feel is the more likely meaning.

  3. I agree with the above. You might feel guilty or like you've betrayed someone in the back of your mind.

  4. I think it's just a plain old nightmare. Not all dreams mean something. Perhaps you feel guilty about something ( like convincing them not to kill you but themselves). Just relax, and don't watch horror movies before bed =)


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